I love what I do!
My dad always told me, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life!” An entrepenuer himself, for over 30 years, he continues to inspire me to pursue my passions. I love the art of writing as much as I love helping others improve their manuscripts.
Professionally, I hold degrees in Psychology and Counseling, and have helped hundreds of people through career counseling and resume development.
Personally, I am an avid reader – as a child I used to read everything in sight, from the backs of cereal boxes to the Boxcar Children. I participate in NaNoWriMo as often as possible and use my numerous life experiences as constant inspiration for stories and books. Many of the nature photos on this website are mine (excluding the photos in my blog); they were taken during various adventures.
Looking for a little something to read? Stop by The Write Life for an occasional updated blog post which could include writing resources, inspiration, writerly advice, or a craft book review. You can also check out my sample work for articles and short stories.
Looking for a career boost or help getting started? Check out my resume writing services.
Looking for a positive (but serious) beta reader who will give you actionable feedback? Or perhaps you need an article, blog, or short story edited? Contact me to get started!
And as always, thanks for stopping by.