A Word about Critique Groups

Critiquing is a necessary (though sometimes painful) part of the writing process. If you want to get better, you need feedback. Few people enjoy the soreness after a hard workout, but its necessary to endure some of this to get stronger. Same goes for writing. Anyone that’s regularly attended a critique session – in personContinue reading "A Word about Critique Groups"

Troubleshooting Your Novel: A Craft Book Review

Photo by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels.com The Writer’s Digest Book “Troubleshooting Your Novel” by Steven James provides lists upon lists of questions to ask when revising your book. I love lists. I’m a list person all the way. Groceries, To-Do’s, How-To’s, and of course, both the outlining and editing process have their respective checklists. I’dContinue reading "Troubleshooting Your Novel: A Craft Book Review"

Passive voice isn’t the evil you were taught to avoid!

For those who suffered at the hands of passive voice critics, read on for a breath of fresh air... THANK YOU, Tobias Buckell, for giving the infamous “to be” variations a little breather. This short post is a quick review of an article I recently read in the July/August 2022 Writer’s Digest magazine, titled “TheContinue reading "Passive voice isn’t the evil you were taught to avoid!"

“Begin at the beginning,” the King said, very gravely, “and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” (Lewis Carroll)

Reading and writing have always been my first loves. I haven't stopped reading since I learned how (many moons ago...don't ask) and I'm pretty sure I'm a book-a-holic. I've been telling stories since I could talk and have worked hard at improving my craft. Though I have a 9-to-5 type day job, I absolutely loveContinue reading "“Begin at the beginning,” the King said, very gravely, “and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” (Lewis Carroll)"